Kh chain of memories gba
Kh chain of memories gba

kh chain of memories gba

All summons can hit Oogie from inside of the pit, though some need to be used at certain angles. However, Bambi can make this a viable option by dropping MP orbs. Sora can use the Thunder spell even while he is in the pit to damage Oogie Boogie, though it is not a very efficient method Gravity is also an option. Oogie will say "Healing machine!" when he is healing. When he does this he is healing some of his HP.

kh chain of memories gba

Sometimes Oogie will just stand in one spot, while purple smoke forms around him. Oogie will occasionally attack with a slapping attack when Sora is close enough to inflict very minor damage. Sora cannot influence when the switches activate in any way. After dealing enough damage, Oogie will force Sora back into the pit and the cycle repeats itself. If the platform rises, Sora and company will not be able to jump over the fences. When a switch is activated, two gates will emerge from the floor and trap both Sora and Oogie as well as causing the section of the pit that Sora activated to raise making it possible to attack Oogie. When he stops attacking and a circle of switches that are in the middle of the pit begins to glow, Oogie will start running around the higher level so carefully time which switch to hit. Oogie's attacks depend on what number he rolls: Oogie will say "Come on baby!" when makes his dice toss. When the wheel turns, Oogie will send out many traps-blades fixed on supporting structures, a frisbee-like blade, and a row of slot machines with cowboy heads to shoot Sora and company. Periodically, he will throw seemingly harmless dice (they too are explosive, but are not enveloped in flames like the rest)- Sora can hit these dice back to damage Oogie, which is worth 24 experience points. Oogie begins the battle by sending the party into the pit, throwing exploding dice and summoning a few Gargoyle Heartless. The fight takes place in the Torture Chamber, a circular room with two levels, a higher level and a revolving wheel-like platform beneath it, in a pit, with all sorts of traps.

kh chain of memories gba

1.3 Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.

Kh chain of memories gba